Defence Services
CAA and EASA Pilot Licences
UKFlying assist the MOD and numerous defence companies with pilot training for their aircrew. Training covers CPL, ATPL, Type Ratings and Instrument Ratings.
UKFlying consultancy services assist both the MOD and Defence companies with bespoke aviation tasks and training requirements.
Recurrent Aircrew Training
UKFlying assist various defence companies with recurrent training for their aircrew. Let us assist with valuable, bespoke training for your crews
We can assist with sourcing civilian aircraft for military or defence tasks. Get in touch if you have a specific requirement.
Need assistance with CAA or EASA aviation regulation. UKFlying have the specialist knowledge to support your organisation.
UKFlying provide a discrete service and are a JOSCAR approved company. We have current and ex-military personnel who hold various security clearances.
Get in touch to learn more.